Learn more about orofacial pain specialist care in our blog!
As dentists, we know quite a bit about tooth and gum pain, but when it comes to chronic facial pain and neuropathic pain, our dental school education leaves us unprepared. The objective of this article is to explain the differences between men and women with chronic orofacial pain and the relationship to proper functional breathing.
Would you like to receive updates, promotions, articles, events, news, research and more? Perhaps, even a fun recipe? Fill out a form at https://tmjsleepsd.com/join-us We are specialists in TMJ & Sleep Disordered Breathing helping others find answers...
We have a Facebook Group called Sleep/TMJ/TMD Support/Discussion Group! Our forum is a great way for patients to discuss about TMD, Orofacial Pain and Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders...
A patient at TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of St. Louis asked about how our appliances and treatment work! Check out the link here. For the rest of the Ask Dr. Olmos series...
We want to thank Yulia and her husband for choosing us to help them find and treat the root of Yulia’s pain. She went to so many doctors and had a 60 page report, but no leads. Eventually, she found a forum where a patient talked about and she was able to find her...
Are you concerned about the long-term use of Flonase? We have a new Ask Dr. Olmos Video today! Link here! A patient was concerned about the long term use of Flonase due to it containing steroids. Check out this new Ask Dr. Olmos video to find out if it's sustainable...
On this series of Ask Dr. Olmos, someone mentioned that her mom suffers from paresthesia after having both Cyberknife and GammaKinfe treatments for Trigeminal Neuralgia. She was wondering if there was anything that can be done to alleviate the type of burning and...
A patient was seen at one of our TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centres in Canada, and asked if it is safe to stretch or do range of motion exercises for the TMJ while it is in a closed-lock without reduction...
This week’s question was from a patient who was concerned about her comfortability with her OSA appliance. What is the best OSA appliance for teeth grinding and preventing gum recession? A patient from our TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Kansas wanted to know which...