Sleep Services for Children
Orthodontics / Orthopedics for Treatment of OSA
Adult therapies for the management of OSA are not suitable for children. Therapies such as Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) and Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) have been known to arrest skeletal development of the growing child. The good news is, with proper diagnosis and communication between medical and dental providers, Pediatric OSA can be cured!
Orthodontics for Airway Development
At TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of San Diego Centre, an increase in airway volume is always our goal in the treatment of Pediatric OSA. The airway is evaluated and any obstructions are addressed. Obstructions can occur anywhere in the airway and are not limited to the mouth and nose. Common procedures in airway development involve upper and lower jaw expansion and relationship changes, myofunctional tongue and lip exercises and lifestyle changes. Orthopedic airway development has a very high success rate in pediatric patients. Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea is a prevalent but under-diagnosed disease. The importance of screening for OSA in every child has recently been re-emphasized by the American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines.
Sleep disorders in children are conditions that prevent them from getting the oxygen needed while they sleep, creating a form of suffocation. Obstructive sleep apnea in children is being increasingly recognized as a cause of attention and behavior problems as well as learning and developmental problems.
Symptoms include:
Mouth breathing
Restlessness during sleep
Sleeping in odd positions
Periods of not breathing
Teeth grinding
Night terrors
Mood changes
Poor concentration
Bed wetting
Frequent infections
Children with undiagnosed OSA are frequently misdiagnosed as having ADHD and placed on unnecessary medications.